Our Toronto location is the Corporate and Business Head Office for CCC. Departments at the Toronto office include Finance, Credit and HR.

Corporate and Business Head Office
416 443 5500
- Manufacture 70,000 MT (metric tonnes) of sulphuric acid, oleum, and sodium bisulphite
- Raw materials are sulphur, caustic soda, water and air
- Bulk shipments by rail and by tank truck
- Package sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, ferric chloride, hydrofluoric acid, nitric acid and sodium bisulphite (from 20 to 1000 L containers)
Responsible Care®
As a member of the Chemistry Industry Association of Canada, Sulco ascribes to the Codes of Practice of Responsible Care® and has achieved re-verification by CIAC – February 2022
ISO 9001
Registration updated in 2024 from SAI Global
ISO 14001
Registration updated in 2024 from SAI Global
Health & Safety
Ten years without a lost-time accident was reached on March, 2023! Congratulations to the employees of CCC Sulphur Products for their commitment to health and safety. 3600 lost-time accident free days were reached in March. Thank-you CCC Sulphur Products employees for your continued environmental, health and safety efforts.
Community Outreach – Community Advisory Panel (CAP)
Since June 1996, a group of public-spirited citizens from the Elmira area has been meeting with CCC Sulphur Products representatives about every six months. CCC Sulphur Products established the Community Advisory Panel (CAP) to inform the community about company activities and plans, and to ask panel input and opinions on matters relevant to the community.
Panel members are thoughtful people who represent a cross-section of Elmira area residents. The relationship between CAP members and CCC Sulphur Products is based on candid discussion and mutual respect.

CCC Sulphur Products Manufacturing Plant/Distribution Centre
Customer Service cs_sulco@ccc-group.com
519 669 1332
519 669 5166
Colborne, Ontario Manufactured Plastics
Our modern 134,000 sq ft manufacturing facility is located on a 20 acre site in Colborne, Ontario, Canada and is ideally situated between the cities of Toronto and Montreal on the 401 corridor. The plant is within approx 1000 km (600 miles) of major USA locations such as Chicago, Cleveland and Philadelphia.
Colborne is the largest and main population centre of Cramahe Township. The community was founded by Vermont Empire Loyalists over 200 years ago and named after Sir John Colborne, Lieutenant Governor of Upper Canada in 1829. In 2001, Colborne and Cramahe Township were amalgamated as part of municipal restructuring to form an expanded Township of Cramahe with population currently at 6355.

CCC Plastics Manufacturing Plant/Distribution Centre
905 355 3226