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With over 50 years of production and experience, CCC Sulphur Products has been part of CCC since 1974. We are proud to offer your top of the range sulphur products.

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Being one of the leading chemical suppliers in Canada, at CCC we can help your business succeed by offering hiqh quality sulphur products that can be used in a diverse variety of industrial and process applications.

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Responsible Care

Responsible Care® is the chemistry industry’s commitment to sustainability, the betterment of society, the environment and the economy. Its ethic and principles compel companies to innovate for safer and more environmentally-friendly products and processes and to work cooperatively to identify and eliminate harm throughout the entire life cycle of our products.

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With over 50 years of production and experience, CCC Sulphur Products has been part of CCC since 1974. Sulphur Products is a 200 MT/day sulphur burning sulphuric acid and sodium bisulphite plant.

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Get in touch to learn more about our Sulphur Solutions and Products.